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Showing posts from October, 2017


Weekend loading, yaaas! Oh you can't know how excited I am. Desperately counting the hours to..."TGIF!!! Thank God it's Friday." the last thread of my sanity. What if weekends don't exist, my word, I would go bonkers. I would definitely have a mental flip over. The week was long, tiresome and stress-filled. Believe it or not I am so relieved to be finally kicking off my pumps and exchanging them for flip flops, my stiff corporate wear for P.Js and hairnet(pack all that loose hair and tuck them in for awhile) and of course my Dr. Dre headset.  Reasons why I like weekend... no scratch that. I love weekends. It affords me the opportunity to do my thing. Feel up my love bank by investing in 'me' time; which, should be an inexpedient activity.  Each one of us, owe ourselves a date. At least once or twice out of a busy week. Hangout with yourself, have fun, treat yourself good, do what you enjoy doing, take a nature's walk, inhale flowe


Curiosity got the better part of me and I had to sate it by carrying out my research. Growing up, I have heard various mythical versions of the birthmark story. The one which struck me particularly was the tale the old people peddled. I use 'peddling' because it is not true, not true and can't be true! *giggling*. They hold the belief that birthmark is the expressed, unsatisfied craving the mother had while carrying the child. This makes me laugh, always especially, since I have a friend whose birthmark is splattered on the left side of her face, deep brown stain matting her eye down to her cheek and oh she detests it. To my people, her mother craved Bush Rat while pregnant for her. I would argue saying, " nooo, it is more like mummy dear craved syrupy chocolate delight so badly." C'mon who craves Bush Rat? I was never satisfied with their theories so I postulated mine. Birthmark is God's Identification label imprinted on our skin just like an ID