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Goodbye June, hello July


After wishing a friend a belated happy new month at 3.00pm the first day of the month of July because, I had forgotten to do so earlier and I just remembered.

He asked "so, what are your goals for this month?" there was a slight pause from my end. I looked at him perplexed. "Goals??" anticipating he would elucidate further.

"Ohhh monthly goals". I nodded finaly getting it and at the same time, frowning. I had not given that a thought needless to say, I did not have any penned goal whatsoever, or year resolution. I just kept a mental map of the things I intended doing stored somewhere in my head and then go with the flow. (shrug)tell me about it. Truth is at the end of the year when others are evaluating achievements, assessing performance, and setting new resolutions; Dear me, I would be curled on the sofa engaged in intra-personal musings wondering what in the world did I spend three hundred amd sixty five days doing apart from routines. (300 and 65 for emphasis). 

The ultimate conclusion will be me consoling myself; it's alright dear, this coming year will be better. Yet, again the vicious circle repeats itself.

I have heard it stressed more times than I presently want to remember; the importance of writing down what you want to do. Jeremiah says; write that vision. Make it plain and run with it 'baaby'.

Really, I realise quite late what a blessing it is in keeping a written down activity log. It must not be with ink on paper your mobile devise is good enough. Save it as a reminder and get notified constantly until it's accomplished. It will afford you a clear sense of direction and like me, just seeing the notification pop up on your home screen constantly, can be emotionally harassing.  you would have to do it and let it go. 'Loose it and let it go🙌.'

At the end of the month I intend to carry out an assessment of my performance by laying out my goals in form of a shopping list and draw a table. Any goal that has successfully been achieved, I tick paid! by the side. Any I failed to carry out, I tick by the side on credit(owing).  

If I did this every month, I definitely will make significant progress. Besides, end of the year evaluations will be something to look forward to don't you think?


Quite enlightening, nice piece; keep it up!

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