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OWAMBE: Wedding Gift Items For That Gyal Friend!

Yay🙌🙌! babe do I love weddings? or is it the whole package; Boy👨 meets Girl 👩 +sparks +Love= wedding. Yeah yeah I am a romantic, Cupid's arrow hit me nice and clean. I fell in love with love a long time ago and I have not looked back ever since.

Guess what? my babe is getting married real soon and yes this is what the fuss is all about. You betcha I have been swooning, giddy with excitement and I really, really can not wait. However, there has been this little challenge quite a brain teaser tsk, tsk, plaguing my thoughts. What exactly can I get her? when a bestie becomes the bride it is no longer just any wedding, it is the wedding!

I do not like conventional so I do not do conventional. A pressing Iron, Microwave, Washingmachine(how do I transport  that anyway) Pots, Kettle, Toasters are the last thing you could ever get from me. Practical but too common I want be caught dead with those items, no way!

I owe it to myself to ensure my gift represents me well. Something unique, artistic(beautiful), speaks volumes without being too outlandish. Speaking of bizarre some people(pipo) actually give out plastic bowls and buckets as gift items. Seductively wrapped and delivered pronto. Shrug, Nigerians do and undo. The concept behind thta should be; let it not be that I did not give something.

I watched a clip on the Internet, a bachelorette party that was 'da bomb' putting it lightly. I watched a lady present the soon to be Mrs with a copy of a karma sutra text which sparked a very mischieviously wicked idea in my head which would have worked perfectly just if my friend were a book lover same as I. Would have drowned her in one-of-a-kind collections of chic-lit novels for her honeymooning pleasure. I mean, for occasions when she is on the beach beside hubby, soaking up the caribbean sun, sipping Pina Colada.

Too bad she is not a book addict and there's this book I just heard of, 'Diary of a mad wife' by laura wolf; my latest rave. I will proudly slap it against her forehead like it were Dollars.'take it baby!'.

But, I digress...

I had to solicit help and here is what I gleaned;

Do a painting of the couple? I shrugged, 'naa'.

Romantic movies; buy a CD collection. "Really? I think i will pass".

Buy a  lingerie? I rolled my eyes, "Dude she has enough of that already".

Okay, kwukwuma buy mortar and pestle let her do pounded yam for bobo! Desmond smirked and I threw back my head and laughed. "No thank you, why is there yam pounder. I would not buy that anyway.'

After a few more tries they gave up on me but hey I did find some really nice, great stuffs that your wifey friend will go 'yipee yay!' over.

Here is my culled list:

Wine: Customized bottle of wine and customized champagne flutes. This wont be forgotten too easily and the bottle of wine could be kept away and stored for ages.

Camera:  A good quality camera would be a blessing to the new couple enabling them to both easily capture and relieve every moment spent together day after day, year after year and especially when the little cuties begin making arrivals.

Sound system: Getting your bride friend an impressive sound system will be super thoughtful of you especially if she is the rocking type. It means you understand her need to relax and catch fun too in the arms of her significant other.

A game set: Get me a game set and I especially; would kiss you, big wet sloppy kiss. Games are engaging it will keep the couple locked in one accord lovingly racking their brains. It will keep the spark flying while having crazy fun too. Games have a way of forming bonds and strengthening them as well.

Customized handbags are chic, stylish and absolutely fabulous. Get a beautiful handbag engraved with the words wifey or Mrs......  (fill the blank yourselves), in addition you can also scrawl in an appropriate witty note.

Cookbooks: Yay! this is for the bride whose kitchen is her one favourite place in the world! aside being at hubby's side of course! a good cookbook will flavour a brides kitchen with a variety of sumptuous delicacies. It makes her work of meal planning much easier.

Ice cream maker: Yumy. Especially for the sweet tooth bride. It affords her the luxury of whipping up a delicious delight at her whims without having to step a foot outside when she gets struck by a craving

and for the baker bride, a standard mixer will not be bad at all it will be extremely lovely.

A personalized night robe engraved with rhinestone letters; Who would not love this? Make her eyes shine with delight when she puts it on at night.

Mmm what else have I not mentioned? Jewelry! Yea do I need to tell you that? of course classy studs and neck pieces. She would be sure to take down her jewelry box from time to time just to fondle them.

This should be about all at least for now. Catch you some other time. *wink*

Photo credit: pinterest,,,,, the,


Benjamin said…
Wow. Creative perspective on wedding gifts.... Noted for future reference.

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