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Don't Mind My Open Teeth

Image source: Francis Okara

Take an observatory look at this image; what do you see other than a dazzling smile? a gap between the teeth; a very striking feature.

Do you know Diastema is a medical phenomena for open teeth? amusing. even more so when you realise that what is considered medically as a perfect set of teeth is simply a dentition whereby all teeth in the mouth are set nicely closely touching one another.

Do you know? Gap teeth in French is translated 'dents du bonheur' meaning lucky teeth and it is believed the bearer will have a successful love life.

Open teeth occurs anywhere in the dentition; usually more common between the upper front teeth. In some people, dentition can be widely spaced and may warrant correction. However, in childhood it is easily rectified as the temporary teeth is lost and replaced by permanent teeth that fills up the gap; if this is not the case and it persists in adulthood, then it can be corrected if so desired through orthodontic treatment(the use of dental braces fastened around the upper and lower teeth, pulling the dentition together, covering the gap.

The major cause of diastema has not been firmly established. However, minor cases are a result of thumb sucking; which thrusts the upper front teeth forward thereby creating a gap.
In exceptional cases it could be a result of gum infection which leads to fast destruction of the supporting bone making the tooth mobile and result in gap formation. This requires immediate treatment.

Just as a closed dentition is beautiful, gap between the upper front teeth is also very attractive. Ignore the caption; don't mind that gap. You should pay attention to those who have gap tooth same as I because we will be flashing it, flaunting every frontal.
Just because open teeth rocks!


Anonymous said…
Lovely writeup
Unknown said…
An interesting eye-opener. Thanks for the insight.
Wow, this is quite insightful and informative as well as educating. Keep it up girl, see you at the Top.
Plumbing said…
Unique blog post! I used to always be so self-conscious about my teeth when I was a child and a teenager, but the moment I had got my braces off then I felt much more comfortable with my teeth :) I had horrible buck teeth like bugs bunny :P
Ebare_Ebose said…
@sunny Agboju
Thank you too
Ebare_Ebose said…
@Gwaragwara master
Thank you too.
Ebare_Ebose said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ebare_Ebose said…
I have a friend and though we both have open teeth, hers is worse and I jokingly refer to them as rabbit teeth. Thanks for sharing @Plumbing👏
Unknown said…
Absolutely insightful

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